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[STEVE PARKER (BADGER)] 35-42, six feet tall, with an athletic build and a welcoming face, he is a Master Sergeant with the U.S. Army, who since childhood has wanted to "shoot bad guys."  Parker is one of the good guys, focused, propelled by a noble vision.  His mission in life is to Protect.  Defend.  Aide.  His job is clear and he's good at it.  He takes great responsibility for every decision he has to make.  He claims to never be scared, only concerned for the guys he's leading...LEAD (1)

Prince of Persia

[THOMAS "MAC" MACLAUGHLIN (GRIZ)] 40-48, 6' tall, 200 pounds of solid muscle, a Navy SEAL, Senior Chief Thomas MacLaughlin is looking to retire, headed home soon.  Though toying with the idea of opening up a cozy seaside breakfast joint, Mac can't help but stick around, joining the team as the guys head out on dangerous mission.  In fact, no one could keep this guy away.  Philosophical, grounded, and thoughtful he tells O'Connor to always have a definition of himself that "does not include the words 'Navy' or 'SEAL.'  Once you lose that, it's time to get out."...LEAD (2)


[DARREN CAMBELL (BUDDHA)] 30-35, a Petty Officer First Class officer,  playfully philosophical, always up for a prank and a good laugh, but with an unflappable quality.  However, all that is about to change while on a dangerous mission into the Colombian jungle.  There, he is met by the vestiges of barbarism, incensed and disgusted by the shows of depravity...LEAD (3)

Covert Affairs

Actors who have expressed interest.

[WARREN GALINSKI] 25-35, he is a Navy Petty Officer, Too serious, athletic frame, a leathal weapon,  a tenacious sort. Always on edge. The newest member of the team.  In the end, he falls victim to the evil clutches of the supernatural...LEAD (4)
[ADRIAN RAUSCH] 28-35 AKA "Andromeda," A CIA Contractor accompanied by four Green Berets who have gone missing inside a village situated in the Colombian jungle, considered a possible location for the production of chemical warfare.  Adrian is an expert in FARC (a Colombian terrorist organization) activity, a capable, strong woman whose psyche has been horribly damaged by her time in the village.  Having witnessed unspeakable torture, she can still hear the screams of the victims...LEAD (5)

Press Shot: The True Memoirs of an International Assassin

Actor Targets

[CIA FIELD AGENT GENE SHAW] 35-50, seemingly charming and diplomatic, he meets with our team, expressing his gratitude, on behalf of the Agency, for their assistance.  Overseeing the mission from the Command Center, he is a steely, unwavering man, unconscionable when it comes to his disregard for the soldiers on the ground. 

William Ficthner

Christopher Meloni

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